Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers: Acquired Brain Injury( ABI) affects around 1 in 45 Australians (432,700 people).

Costs of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and spinal cord injury:

The total cost of TBI in Australia was estimated to be $8.6 billion, comprising:

  • costs attributable to moderate TBI ($3.7 billion) and severe TBI ($4.8 billion);
  • financial costs ($3.7 billion) and burden of disease costs ($4.9 billion); and
  • the greatest portions borne by individuals (64.9%), the State Government (19.1%) and Federal Government (11.2%).

The lifetime costs per incident case of TBI were estimated to be $2.5 million and $4.8 million for moderate TBI and severe TBI respectively, across Australia.

Acquired brain injury is a complex and individual condition that occurs after birth as it is not related to congenital defect or degenerative disease. It can be caused by an accident or trauma, infection, stroke and various other conditions.

The term acquired brain injury (ABI) is used to describe all types of brain injury. It usually results in an alteration in consciousness, short term memory, challenges in intellectual ability, headache, behavioral changes and motor problems.

Traumatic brain injury from a motor vehicle accident (MVA) can be an injury to the brain which is a closed head injury meaning that the injury has impacted on the brain by rapid movement backwards and forwards causing the brain to move and slam against its  inner bone causing injury from the impact  (Brain injury Association of Queensland 2013).